Suzanne Slade is no stranger to Jane Addams, who is commonly referred to as “the mother of social work.” Addams was a pioneer American settlement activist/reformer, social worker, public philosopher, sociologist, public administrator, protestor, author, and leader in women’s suffrage and world peace.
to the FBI naming her the “Most Dangerous Woman in America” before she won the Nobel Peace Prize.
As a Chicago native, Slade says many there are vaguely familiar with Addams, but few know about the peace work Addams did outside of Hull House. This was Slade’s main inspiration for writing the book: so that today’s generation could learn more about the impact Addams had on society.
Slade began her research by heading straight to the Jane Addams-Hull House museum in Chicago where Jane lived to get a better understanding of who she was and how she worked for so many years. It was there that Slade read Jane’s diary on display, as well as her FBI file. . She also used the Selected Papers of Jane Addams vols. 1 and 2 because of the little details that they shared, such as when Addams first opened Hull House, the floors had not been laid.
When asked how Addams is relevant in today’s society Slade said, “Jane is especially relevant today with everything going on and the discord happening around the world. Her heart, how she wanted to help and create peace. America would go a long way if we exuded the same sentiment and were against war like Jane.”
For more information on Suzanne Slade and Dangerous Jane be sure to check out her book here: