Who were the Hull-House residents? According to the seven-page printed list from 1930 that we have transcribed below, even Hull-House did not know with certainty. As we conduct research, we will link the names to our biographical entries.
If you know of any other residents, add a comment to this page and we will research them to see if we can verify the connection.
We are enclosing a list of names of those residents who have lived in the House for at least six consecutive months and have entered into its activities. Because our files are incomplete, we shall be very grateful for additional names as well as corrections upon the occupations or addresses of those listed.
Arpin, Mrs. Helen (Woman’s Dept. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co.) Oakland, Cal.
Backus, Miss Romonia (Classified Advertisements, Chicago Tribune) Hull-House, Chicago
Baldwin, Mr. A. R. (American Woolen Company) 1415 Astor St. Chicago
Barton, Mr. Jay (Montgomery Ward Company) Chicago
Benedict, Mr. Sidney 75 Chestnut Hull, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bowen, Mr. William (Western Electric Company), 8 Melrose Ave. East Orange, N.J.
Britton, Mr. James Howe (Automobile Accessories), Hull-House, Chicago
Burgoon, Mr. David (Vice Pres. Yeomans Pump Company), Hull-House, Chicago
Canaday, Mr. Frank (c/o/ U.S. Advertising Co.), Toledo, Ohio
Cairo, Mr. Robert (Otis & Company, Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Crane, Mr. Richard, 3rd (Crane Company), 830 Michigan Ave., Chicago
Crothers, Mr. Gordon (Dennison Mfg. Company), Framingham, Mass.
Deknatel, Mr. Frederic H. (Pres. Mackie Lovejoy Company), La Grange, Ill.
Ewing, Mr. Charles Hull, 100 N. La Salle St. Chicago. Home Address, Lake Forest, Ill.
Fishman, Mr. Ben A., 1314 S. Avers Ave. Chicago
Gaddes, Mr. Houston, Dayton, Ohio
Gartz, Frederic A. (Crane Company, Chicago), 2999 N. New England Ave.
Gifford, Mr. Walter (Pres. American Tel. & Tel. Company), 196 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.
Gyles, Mr. W. W. (C.I.T. Corporation, 333 N. Michigan Ave.), Hull-House, Chicago
Hauer, Mr. Royal A. (Vice-Pres. International Motor Co.), 35 Broadway, New York. N.Y.
Hawthorne, Mr. Henry Fall, Box 24, Miami Shores, Florida
Houghton, Mr. Daniel (Draftsman, W.H.R. Bennett), Hull-House, Chicago
House, Mr. Ralph D. (Secretary, Chamber of Commerce), Niagra Falls, N.Y.
Hutchinson, Mr. B. E. (Vice-Pres. Chrysler Motors), 1823 Burns Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Johnson, Mr. R. E. (National Carbon Company), Hull-House, Chicago
Karstens, Mrs. Eleanor Daggett (Bureau European Travel), 277 W. 12th St., New York, N.Y.
Kehling, Delores (Personnel Dept. Western Electric Co.), Chicago
Keyser, Mr. Frank D. (Engineer), Hull-House, Chicago
Lloyd, Miss Anna (Book Shop), 521 E. Jefferson St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Lothrop, Mr. Everett W. (Victory Corporation), 231 La Salle St., Chicago
Lucas, Mrs. Elsie Smith, 38 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y.
Lucas, Mr. Lucius Carter, 38 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y.
Lucky, Miss Minnie (c/o J. Guttman, Westminster Bank), Paris
McCabe, Mr. Merrill (McCabe & Son School Supply Co.), Terre Haute, Ind.
McCormick, Mr. Chauncy (International Harvester Co.), 2450 Lake View Ave. Chicago
McManus, Miss Winifred (Hull-House Post Office, Hull-House Accountant), Hull-House, Chicago
McManus, Miss Elizabeth, Hull-House, Chicago
Oslin, Mr. Jerry (National Carbon Company), Hull-House, Chicago
Rich, Mr. Frederick J. (U.S. Industrial Alcohol Company), Peoria, Ill.
Rich, Mr. Kenneth F. (Otis & Company), Hull-House, Chicago
Rich, Mr. Newton D. (Pres. L. E. Myers Company) 4940 East End Ave., Chicago
Serviss, Mr. Robert (Insurance Company), 2276 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif.
Serviss, Mr. Trevor K. (Ginn & Company), 6812 East End Ave., Chicago
Stahl, Miss Clara (Public Accountant), Hull-House, Chicago
Steiner, Mr. Lajos (Insurance Broker), Hull-House, Chicago
Swift, Mr. Duane (Amalgamated Bank, Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Swope, Mr. David (International Harvester Company), Minot, N.D.
Swope, Mr. Gerard (Pres. General Electric Company), 1040 Park Ave., New York, N.Y.
Toniatti, Mr. Hector A. (Venetian Jewelry Company), Hull-House, Chicago
Turner, Mr. John F. (Pres., Crowe Nameplate Company), 1848 Kenilworth Ave, Chicago
Twitchell, Mr. Lester (Marshall Field & Co.), Chicago
Wright, Mr. Charles A. (Engineeer), Edna, Texas
Yeomans, Mr. Charles (Pres. Yeomans Pump Company), 179 E. Chesnut St., Chicago
Young, Mr. Ernest (Uvalde, Rock Asphalt Company), 230 W. Rosewood Ave., San Antonio, Texas
Abbott, Miss Edith (Dean, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago)
Blount, Ralph (Teacher, John Marshall High School), Chicago
Breckinridge, Miss S. P. (Dean of Graduate Women, University of Chicago)
Bruce, Judge A. A. (Professor, Northwestern Law School, Chicago), 8 Elizabeth Court, Oak Park
Byron, Mr. William F. (Asst. Prof. Sociology, Northwestern University), Evanston, Ill.
Carroll, Miss Mollie (Prof of Sociology, Goucher College), Baltimore, Md.
Cavan, Mrs. Ruth Shonle (Assn. of Religious Education, Chicago), Rockford, Ill.
Cavan, Mr. Jordan (Prof. Sociology, Rockford College), Rockford, Ill.
Clarke, Emily McChesney Van Order
Cook, Mr. Leslie C. (Manual Training Teacher, Chicago Public Schools), Hull-House, Chicago
Cook, Mr. Stanley (Teacher, Public Schools), Hull-House, Chicago
Dewey, Miss Ethel (History Dept. University School for Girls, Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Eliot, Mr. Thomas D. (Prof. Sociology, Northwestern University), Evanston, Ill.
Fink, Miss Georgine (Boys’ Club Worker), 915 Larkspur Road, Oakland, Calif.
Fisher, Miss Suzanne (Visiting Teacher, Public Schools), 1154 E. 56th St. Chicago
French, Mr. Beals (Physiological Chemist, Chicago Normal School), Hull-House, Chicago
French, Mrs. Myrtle Merritt (Director, Ceramics Dept., Art Institute, Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Girard, Dr. Margaret (Psychiatrist, Dept. Student Health, University of Chicago)
Girard, Dr. Ralph (Prof. of Physiology, University of Chicago)
Gyles, Miss Rose (Director, Corrective Gymnastics, Public Schools, Cicero), Hull-House, Chicago
Hamilton, Dr. Alice (Asst. Prof. Industrial Hygiene, Harvard Medical School), 227 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Hamilton, Mr. Arthur (Asst. Prof. Romance Languages, University of Illinois), Urbana, Ill.
Holland, Mr. Thomas (University of Wisconsin), Madison, Wis.
Jamison, Mr. W. W. (Teacher), Hazeltown, Pa.
Jessie, Miss Adeline (Dept. Head Visiting Teachers, Board of Education), Denver, Colorado
Jones, Mr. Howard M. (Prof. English, University of North Carolina), Chapel Hill
Kenagy, Miss Nina (Director Nursery School, National College Education), Hull-House, Chicago
Kirkland, Mr. Wallace (Director, Canadian Canoe Cruises for Boys), Hull-House, Chicago
Landsborg, Miss Clara (Teacher, Bryn Mawr School), 847 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Large, Misses Josephine and Margaret (University School for Girls), 413 Erie St., Oak Park, Ill.
Lovett, Mr. Robert Morse (Prof. English, University of Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Lomonosoff, Mr. George (Institute of Technology), Pasadena, Cal.
Mariotti, Mr. Guido (Librarian, Law Library, University of Chicago), 5746 Stoney Island Ave.
McGrath, Mr. Wilson (Loyola University), 1314 Jackson Blvd., Chicago
Mitchell, Mr. James P. (Chicago Latin School for Boys), 21 E. Bellevue Place, Chicago
Moore, Mr. Carroll Ernest (Pres., University of California), Los Angeles, Cal.
Riddle, Mr. J.B. (Teacher, County Day School), 995 Oak St., Winnetka, Ill.
Saposs, David (Brookwood Labor College), Katonah, New York
Simpson, Eyler W. (Guggenheim Fellow in Mexico)
Swope, Miss Henrietta (Research Student in Astronomy, Harvard Observatory) Cambridge, Mass.
Sytz, Miss Florence (Tulane University, School of Social Work), New Orleans, La.
Tippet, Mr. Thomas (Brookwood Labor College), Katonah, New York
Todd, Mr. Arthur J. (Prof. Sociology, Northwestern University), 1011 Grove St., Evanston, Ill.
Von Borosini, Mr. Victor, 26 Circle Drive, Pasadena, Cal.
Yarros, Mr. Gregory (Teacher, Agriculture Academy), Moscow
Yarrow, Mrs. Marie S. (Director, Nursery School), Moscow
Yeomans, Mr. Edward (Founder, Ojai School), Ojai, Cal.
Urie, Mrs. Caroline Foulke (Teacher, Montessori Method), Richmond, Ind.
Witkowsky, Miss Esther (Chicago Woman’s Club), 5555 Everett Ave.
Journalists and Authors
Chase, Mr. Stuart (Labor Bureau), New York, N.Y.
Chenery, Mr. William L. (Editor, Colliers Weekly), 250 Park Ave., New York, N.Y.
Eaton, Mr. Allen (The Survey), New York, N.Y.
Detzer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl, Leland, Mich.
Hart, William, Washington, D.C.
Hackett, Francis, Newton, Mount Kennedy, County Wicklow, Ireland
Hill, Mrs. Caroline, 5802 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Hooker, Mr. George E. (Chairman, International Relations,. Inter-America Council), Hull-House, Chicago
Hunter, Mr. Robert, Pebble Beach, Cal.
Kelley, John Bartram, 49 E. Tenth St., New York, N.Y.
Monroe, Miss Harriet (Editor of “Poetry”), 820 Tower Court, Chicago
Richardson, W. L. (Ginn & Company), Chicago
Stolberg, Mr. Benjamin (c/o The Nation), New York, N.Y.
Thompson, Mr. J. David (Secy. American Intellectual Cooperation, League of Nations), Washington, D.C.
Valerio, Mr. A. M., 8 West Oak St., Chicago
Weybright, Mr. Victor (Adventure Magazine), Spring and MacDougall St., New York, N.Y.
White, Hervey, Woodstock, N.J.
Yarros, Mr. Victor (Chicago Daily News), 5000 E. End Ave., Chicago
Artists and Musicians
Benedict, Miss Enella, Hull-House, Chicago
Birmingham, Miss Alma, Hull-House, Chicago
Booth, Mr. Cameron, Minneapolis, Minn.
Brown, Mr. Harold, Paris, France
Byron, Mr. Charles, Hull-House, Chicago
Cantabeana, Mrs. Emily Edwards, San Antonio, Texas
Cramlet, Mrs. Blythe, Newburg, Oregon
Donaldson, Miss Ettie, 5000 E. End Ave., Chicago
Duncan, John (Royal Scottish Academy), Edinburgh, Scotland
Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Leon, Hull-House, Chicago
Goodrich, Miss Helen, 820 Addison Street, Chicago
Hamilton, Miss Norah, Hull-House, Chicago
Hanning, Miss Amalie, 23 Via Como, Rome, Italy
Hicks, Mr. Frank, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kales, Mr. Francis, Shanghai, China
Kehling, Delores (Western Electric Company), Chicago
Linden, Mr. and Mrs. Carl, Woodstock, N.Y.
Loeb, Miss Dorothy, Provincetown, Mass.
Manfredini, Angelina, Hull-House, Chicago
deNancrede, Miss Edith, Hull-House, Chicago
Pillsbury, Miss Agnes, Hull-House, Chicago, 410 N. Michigan Ave.
Poppe, Miss Vera, Fullerton-Plaza Hotel, Fullerton Parkway, Chicago
Savin, Mr. and Mrs. William, Highland Park, Ill.
Smith, Mr. Arthur (Masque Theatre), New York, N.Y.
Smith, Miss Eleanor, 12 West Walton Place, Chicago
Smith, Miss Gertrude, Hull-House, Chicago
Topchevsky, Mr. Morris, Hull-House, Chicago
Vawter, Miss C.C., St. Joseph, Mich.
Vollentine, Mr. Witmer, Taylorville, Ill.
Wilkinson, Mr. Gaylord (c/o Art Institute), Chicago
Abbot, Mr. Arthur, Grand Island, Nebr.
Arnold, Mr. Charles C., Riverside, Cal.
Brown, Mr. Edward E. (Vice-Pres. First National Bank, Chicago), 229 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago
Cuniberti, Mr. Fernando (Italian Embassy, Washington), 3624 R Street, Washington, D.C.
Forstall, Mr. James J., 120 South La Salle St., Chicago, 1140 Hinman Ave, Evanston, Ill.
Hale, Mr. Wm. B, 140 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Winnetka, Ill.
Kelley, Mr. Nicholas, 216 E. 16th St, New York, N.Y.
Lavery, Mr. Urban A., 33 S. Clark St., Chicago, 2620 Lakeview Ave.
Lehman, Mr. Lloyd W. (Lehman & Hogue), Forman Bldg., Hull-House, Chicago
Levinson, Mr. Morris, 11 S. La Salle St. Chicago, Winnetka, Ill.
Mack, Mr. Wm. J. (Joseph Miller Company), 285 Madison Ave, New York, N.Y.
Manfredini, Mr. James M., 400 W. Washington St., Hull-House, Chicago
Schwartz, Mr. Charles P. 105 W. Adams St., 5135 Woodland Ave., Chicago
Smoot, Mr. Harry, 208 S. La Salle St., 1540 Farrell Ave., Chicago
Szold, Mr. Robert W., 43 Exchange Place, New York, N.Y.
Velde, Mr. James (Legal Aid Society), Hull-House, Chicago
Baker, Dr. Clyde (The Mayfair) 144-145 Northern Blvd., Flushing, N.Y.
Blount, Dr. Anna, 148 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, Ill.
Britton, Dr. James A. (Supervisor Medical Service, International Harvester Company), Hull-House, Chicago
Brown, Dr. Robert Osgood (St. Vincent’s Hospital), Santa Fe, New Mexico
Campbell, Dr. Douglas, c/o Mrs. A. J. Ochsner, 2106 Sedgwick, Chicago
Clarke, Dr. Charles Walter (Division Medical Measures, American Social Hygiene), 370 Seventh Ave., New York, N.Y.
Cooke, Dr. Jean, Darlington, Wis.
Dewey, Dr. Grace, Jacksonville, Ill.
Fox, Dr. Ruth, 397 Bleecker St., New York, N.Y.
Lovett, Dr. Beatrice (Billings Hospital, University of Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Milligan, Dr. Josephine, Jacksonville, Fla.
Orton, Dr. Suzanne, Darlington, Wis.
Powdermaker, Dr. Florence (Johns Hopkins University), Baltimore, Md.
Rice, Dr. Harriet A., 166 Walnut Ave., Boston, Mass.
Smith, Dr. Irma A., (Iowa State College), Iowa
Spaulding, Dr. Edith, 103 East 86th St., New York, N.Y.
Tunnicliff, Dr. Ruth (McCormick Memorial Institute), 1539 E. 61st St., Chicago
Urie, Dr. John F., Richmond, Ind.
White, Dr. Edward (Alexian Brothers Hospital), Chicago
Governmental Service
Abbott, Miss Grace (Chief, U.S. Children’s Bureau, Dept. of Labor), Washington, D.C.
Adler, Dr. Herman (University of California), Berkeley, Cal.
Allinson, Mr. Thomas (Dept. Public Welfare, Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Barnum, Miss Gertrude (Formerly U.S. Dept. of Labor), 127 North Ave, Los Angeles, Cal.
Collins, Miss Ruth (Social Service Div. Federal Prisons, Dept. of Justice), Washington, D.C.
Eaton, Miss Isabel (U.S. Department of Agriculture), 3444 Mt. Pleasant St., Washington, D.C.
Johnson, Amanda (Former Inspector Streets and Alleys), Madison, Wis.
King, Mr. W. L. McKenzie (Prime Minister of Canada), Ottawa, Canada
Lathrop, Miss Julia C. (First Chief of the U.S. Children’s Bureau), 1204 National Ave., Rockford, Ill.
Lowrie, Mrs. Kathleen Jennison (Woman’s Probation Dept., Recorder’s Court) Detroit Mich., 2934 W. Grand Ave., Detroit
Moss, Mr. Joseph L. (Director, Bureau of Public Welfare, Cook County), 1939 Orrington Ave, Evanston, Ill.
O’Sullivan, Mrs. Mary Kenney (Factory Inspector of Massachusetts), West Medford, Mass.
Paige, Mrs. Clara K. (Asst. Director Bureau of Public Welfare Cook County), 858 Chalmers Place, Chicago
Valerio, Mrs. Amelie Robinson (Inspector, Dept. of Health, Chicago), 8 W. Oak St., Chicago
Social and Civic Work
Adanalian, Miss Alice (Indian Reservation), Neopit, Wis.
Addams, Jane (President, Hull-House Association)
Andrews, Miss Martha (Juvenile Protection Assn.), Hull-House, Chicago
Armstrong, Miss Mary (Vocational Supervision League), Hull-House, Chicago
Barnes, Mrs. Clifford (Sunday Evening Club, Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Beattie, Mr. Joseph (Boys Club Director, Franklin Street Settlement), Detroit, Mich.
Binford, Miss Jessie F. (Supt., Juvenile Protective Assn.), Hull-House, Chicago
Brainerd, Miss Winifred (Occupational Therapist, Presbyterian Hospital), Chicago
Britton, Mrs. Mary Jane Benson, Hull-House, Chicago
Burchard, Mr. Edward (Research Director, Chicago Public Schools), 1415 E. 57th St.
Byron, Mrs. Edward Soderland (Illinois Social Hygiene League), 828 Simpson St., Evanston
Carpenter, Mr. Allen (Director of Education, Chicago Boy Scouts), 1627 Ridge Ave., Evanston
Detzer, Dorothy (Executive Secretary, W. I. L.), 8 Jackson Square, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Dyer, Miss Elizabeth (Social Service Director, Illinois Social Hygiene League), Hull-House, Chicago
Eastment, Miss Anne (Club Director), 555 Edgecomb Ave., New York, N.Y.
Freeman, Mrs. Marion (Psychiatric Social Worker, Hudson Guild), 436 W. 27th St., New York, N.Y.
Gane, Miss Sally (Physical Director, Detroit Public Schools), 403 Piper Blvd., Detroit, Mich., Hull-House, Chicago
Gilbertson, Miss Esther (Visiting Teacher, Hull-House), Hull-House, Chicago
Giles, Mr. H. H. (Boys Club Director, Hull-House), Hull-House, Chicago
Gleason, Miss Mary (Statistician, President’s Law Enforcement Commission), Hull-House, Chicago
Hamlin, Mrs. Leonora (Women’s City Club), Minneapolis, Minn.
Hazard, Miss Bertha (Director, Girl’s Club c/o Denison House), 93 Tyler St., Boston, Mass.
Hesley, Mrs. Texas Henderson (Club Director, Henry Street Settlement), 265 Henry St., New York, N.Y.
Hess, Miss Dorothy (Juvenile Court of Cook County), La Grange, Ill.
Hicks, Mrs. Ada Y., Hull-House, Chicago
Hicks, Mr. Robert (Director, Gymnasium Hull-House and Public Schools), Hull-House, Chicago
Hirsch, Miss Elsa (Dist. Supt., United Charities), Hull-House, Chicago
Hunt, Mr. Milton (Hale House), Garland St., Boston, Mass.
Hunter, Mr. Joel (General Superintendent, United Charities of Chicago), 2307 Harrison St., Evanston, Ill.
Jennison, Miss Florence Tye (Research Ass’t., Uni. of Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Jones, Miss Anita (Mexican Visitor, Immigrants Protective League), Hull-House, Chicago
Kelley, Mrs. Florence (Secy, National Consumer’s League), Room 1129, 156 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.
Keown, Miss Kate (Asst. Personnel Director, Montgomery Ward, Chicago), Hull-House, Chicago
Kohn, Mrs. Esther L. (Vice-Pres. Illinois League of Women Voters), Ch. Public Welfare, Hull-House, Chicago
Kovack, Mr. Andrew (Y.M.C.A.), 1508 N. Larrabee Ave., Chicago
Lang, Miss Marion (Friend, Neighborhood Guild), 4th and Green Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
Leavitt, Miss Margaret (Institute Juvenile Research), Hull-House, Chicago
Levy, Miss Beatrice (New York School of Social Work), 105 E. 22nd St., New York, N.Y.
Logan, Miss Lou Eva (St. Christophers) Dobbs Ferry, New York
Lovett, Mrs. Ida Mott-Smith (Chairman Reception Committee), Hull-House, Chicago
Lund, Miss Thora (Director Bowen Country Club), Hull-House, Chicago
Lundquest, Eleanor (Supervisor Summer Camp Transportation), Eveleth, Mich.
Manning, Wallace (Director of Physical Education, Y. M.C.A.), Gloverville, N.Y.
Martin, Mr. Winthrop G. (Y.M.C.A.), Buffalo, N.Y.
McDowell, Miss Mary (University of Chicago Settlement), 4600 Gross Ave., Chicago
McHugh, Miss Kay (Secretary to Miss Jane Addams), Hull-House, Chicago
Miller, Miss Helen (Girls’ Worker, St. Chrysostoms), La Salle, St. Chicago
Minnick, Mr. James (Social Workers’ County Club), Riverside, Ill.
Molinaro, Frances (General Executive, Mary Crane Building), Hull-House, Chicago
Otterson, Miss (Union League Boys Club), Chicago
Pond, Miss Gayle (Director, Medical Deparment, Union Carbide and Carbon Co.), Hull-House, Chicago
Preston, Misses Mary and Caroline, Charleston, South Carolina
Rankin, Miss Jeanette (National Council, Prevention of War), Washington, D.C.
Rich, Mrs. Adena Miller (Director, Immigrants Protective League), Hull-House, Chicago
Rockwood, Miss Edith (Secy, League of Women Voters), 203 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago
Rowe, Miss Marjorie (Director of Social Clubs), Hull-House, Chicago
Schibsby, Miss Marion (Foreign Language Service Information), 222 Fourth Ave., New York, N.Y.
Schauffer, Miss Dorothy (Assistant, Nursery School), Hull-House, Chicago
Schular, Mrs. Evangeline Wallace (Huntington Girls’ Club), 258 Onandaga St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Sears, Miss Amelia (Asst. Gen. Supt. United Charities of Chicago), 858 Chalmers St., Chicago
Shellow, Mrs. Sadie Meyer (Psychological Expert), Milwaukee St., R. R. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
Smith, Miss Mary Rozet (Trustee of Hull-House), 12 W. Walton Place, Chicago, Ill.
Southall, Miss Sara (Women’s Personnel Director, International Harvester Company), 900 N. Michigan
Starr, Ellen Gates (Co-founder of Hull-House), Hull-House, Chicago
Stocking, Miss Margaret (Summer Outing, United Charities), Hull-House, Chicago
Tippy, Miss Helen (Federal Council of Churches), New York, N.Y.
Weller, Mr. Charles F. (Fellowship of Faiths), 152 w. 42nd St., New York, N.Y.
Weston, Mr. Norman (Director Y.M.C.A.), Evanston, Ill.
Whitehead, Miss Mary (Psychiatric Social Worker), 79 Barrow St., New York, N.Y.
Wood, Miss Iris (Foreign Language Information Survey), 222 Fourth Ave., New York, N.Y.
Yates, Miss Margaret (Psychiatric Social Worker, Mandel Clinic), Hull-House, Chicago
Young, Miss Mary Arden (Case Worker, United Charities), Hull-House, Chicago
Zueblin, Miss Ann (Asst. Secy., Int. W.I.L.), 12 Vieux College, Geneva, Switzerland
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Four Mills Plantation), Spring Grove, Va.
Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. W. H., Fairhope, Ala.
Linn, Mr. Stanley R., Arlington, Cal.
Middleton, Miss Amy, 1236 Sierra Ave., San Jose, Cal.
Rutter, Mrs. Lucia Ford (The Forge), Berks County, Pa.
Shipps, Mrs. Helen Rich, Midland, Mich.
Yeomans, Mr. Alfred, Southern Pines, N.C.
“Housewife”–Vide U.S. Census
Addams, Mrs. Laura, 230 W. Roosevelt Ave., San Antonio, Texas
Burgoom, Mrs. Janet Schoenfeld, Hull-House, Chicago
Carpenter, Mrs. Inez Ayrea, 1627 Ridge Ave., Evanston, Ill.
Case, Mrs. Anna, 1204 National Ave., Rockford, Ill.
Crane, Miss Ruth, Montrose, Iowa
Crocker, Miss Alice, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Davis, Mrs. Bernice Scoville, 400 Belmont Ave, Chicago
Deknatel, Mrs. Wilfreda Brockway, 210 S. Spring Ave., La Grange, Ill.
Fletcher, Mrs. Margaret West, Hubbard Woods, Ill.
Floyd, Mrs. Ella Bowman, 2008 Ellis Ave., Peoria, Ill.
Forstall, Mrs. Nell Lothrop, 1140 Hinman Ave., Evanston, Ill.
Kirkland, Mrs. Ethel Freeland, Hull-House, Chicago
Leddy, Mrs. Elsie Lund, 2049 East 67th St.
Lomonosoff, Mrs. Raissa Rosen, Pasadena, Cal.
McCormick, Mrs. Maud Warner, 1342 N. Dearborn St., Chicago
Moore, Dr. Dorothea (University of California), Los Angeles, Cal.
Moulton, Mrs. Alice O’Grady, 1161 Pine St., Winnetka, Ill.
Pilcher, Mrs. Eleanor Bogart, 206 Holden St., Cambridge, Mass.
Riddle, Mrs. Edith Ward, 995 Oak St., Winnetka, Ill.
Serviss, Mrs. Helen Mann, 6812 E. End Ave., Chicago
Sikes, Mrs. Madelaine Wallin, 311 N. Central Ave., Austin, Ill.
Swope, Mrs. Mary Hill, 1040 Park Ave., New York, N.Y.
Toniatti, Mrs. Julia, Hull-House, Chicago
Turner, Mrs. Margaret Arden, 1848 Kenilworth Ave., Chicago
Von Borosini, Mrs. Edith, Circle Drive, Pasadena, Cal.
Wallace, Mrs. May Pitkin (University of Toronto), Toronto, Canada
Weston, Mrs. Theodora Tadman, 318 Main St., Evanston
Whitman, Mrs. Alice Miller, 1334 Asbury Ave., Evanston, Ill.
Wright, Mrs. Martha McDonald, Edna, Texas
Young, Mrs. Sarah Addams, 230 West Rosewood Ave, San Antonio, Texas
Young, Mrs. Florence Wells, 1724 W. 104th Place, Chicago
In Memoriam
Mary Anderson
Charles Ball
Edgard A. Bancroft
Belle Barnum Stimpson
Jessie Bartlett
Ella Boynton
Frederick Burlingham
Ernest Howard Crosby
Morgan Davies
Donald Dexter
Jennie Dow Harvey
Lucy Duke
Anna Farnsworth Hay
Anna Fryar Hutchinson
Maude Gernon Yeomans
Marie Hansen
Edward J. Hazen
Agnes Sinclair Holbrook
Joseph Hora
Caroline Hunt
Clara Huntington
Margaret Kelley
Mary Keyser
William LaFavor
Val L. Le Moyne
John Addams Linn
Eva Mariotte
Officer George Murray
Laura Dainty Pelham
Leroy Scott
Alexander A. McCormick
George E. Sikes
Dai Smith Chenery
Alzina Parsons Stevens
Betty Swing
George M.R. Twose
Orno Tyler
Lillian Uchtman
Ella Raymond White
Mary H. Wilmarth
Alexander H. Wilson
Josefa Humpal Zemon
Charles Zueblin
The list was located at the Graham Taylor Papers at the Newberry Library.
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