Digital Edition

Digital Edition

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The Jane Addams Papers is publishing a freely accessible digital edition of papers from 1901-1935. The first phase of the digital edition will include all Addams correspondence (both incoming and outgoing) and writings (excluding books). We are undertaking an updated search for documents in order to locate and include documents not filmed in the 1985 microfilm.

It is the goal of the project to publish both an image and a transcription of all documents in the edition, given our ability to secure copyrights and permissions. Any document that we cannot secure permissions to publish online will be described in the digital edition, with information about its location on the Addams microfilm and the archive that owns the original will be provided.

Jane Addams’ unpublished writings are in the public domain, as are the writings of many of her associates. The Jane Addams Papers will post the names of the authors for whom we seek copyright on the website; if you know who holds the rights, please contact us.

The Jane Addams Papers will create metadata for each document in the digital edition, allowing users to search by title, author, recipient, date, published source, locations mentioned, people, organizations and events mentioned, and by subject. For more on the digital edition’s metadata, click here. Documents that have been transcribed will also be searchable. If you are interested in assisting the project with transcriptions, please contact Cathy Moran Hajo at

While the Jane Addams Papers Digital Edition will not have item-level annotation, we plan to provide context for the documents by identifying the people, organizations, publications and events mentioned in the documents. These entries will be started as links, and as we research the topics will become short historical notes.  We are also providing brief editorial notes that offer additional information about specific documents.