
We regularly do presentations about the Jane Addams Papers at conferences, workshops and other events. Below are some of the most recent.

Cathy Moran Hajo, Mapping the Jane Addams Papers, June 2018, Association for Documentary Editing, Olympia, WA.

Cathy Moran Hajo, The Big Picture: Conceiving of a Digital Edition of Jane Addams’ Papers, July 6, 2017 at Women’s History in a Digital World, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Cathy Moran Hajo, Designing a Digital Edition Using Metadata and Omeka, April 2018, at the NEH-funded “Development of Digital Documentary Editions” workshop.

Cathy Moran Hajo, Administering a Digital Edition with Omeka, April 2018, at the NEH-funded “Development of Digital Documentary Editions” workshop.

Poster: Designing Omeka Editions, June 2018

Cathy Moran Hajo, Editing Women’s Papers for Publication on the Web, Drew University, Nov. 17, 2016