Project Staff

The Jane Addams Papers at Ramapo College of New Jersey


Cathy, Stacy and Tori at the ADE meeting in Buffalo, 2017

Former staff:


Student staff in 2022 – Michelle K, Kayla, James J. Cathy, Luka, James L. and Tori.



Giavanna Barras is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. She is a junior History Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Ashleigh Clenord is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. She is an Environmental Studies Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Christopher Flug is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. He is an American Studies major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Gabrielle Hodsden is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. She is an English and Literary Studies Major and Philosophy Minor at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Michelle Kukan is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. She is a sophomore History Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Jessica Olshefski is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions.  She is an International Business Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Aaron Peters is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. He is a History Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Alexander Samieske is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. He is a History Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Hannah Steinlauf is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. She is a History Major and a Museum Studies Minor at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Stefanie Viera is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. She is a History Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Emma Wunder is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions.  She is an Accounting Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

Meredith Young is an Editorial Assistant working on entering document metadata and transcriptions. She is an English and Literary Studies Major at Ramapo College of New Jersey.


Jane Addams Ramapo College staff May 2019 -From left: Caitlin, Emma, Cathy, Tricia, Mike, Ali, Christina, Kim, Justice, Jill, and Tori.

Current Volunteers

  • Kyla Mae Bernal (N.Y.U.) conducting biographical research and archival research and collecting new documents.
  • Chloe Dickson, M.L.I.S. helping add new documents to our crowdsourcing site.
  • Alex Frisch (Ramapo College of New Jersey) conducting biographical research.
  • Suketu Patel (West Essex High School) entered documents, transcribed texts and identified people and organizations mentioned in the summer of 2023.
  • Patti McCall-Junkin conducting biographical research.
  • Tiffany K. Wayne, Ph.D. helping with archival research and collecting new documents.

Former Volunteers

  • Kevin Cho (Bergen County Technical High School) researched and wrote identifications for people and publications mentioned in our documents and did transcriptions in the summer of 2022.
  • Arav Nangia (West Windsor Plainsboro High School South) researched and wrote identifications for events mentioned in our documents.
  • Elizabeth Hodges (St. John’s University) researched and wrote biographies and explored social networks.
  • Sharon Kane (Denison University)  entered documents and transcribed texts.

Omeka Developers

Advisory Board

Harriet Hyman Alonso, Professor of History (Emerita) at the City College of New York (Brooklyn, NY). Author of Peace as a Woman’s Issue: A History of the U.S. Movement for World Peace and Women’s Rights (1999) and The Women’s Peace Union and the Outlawry of War, 1921-1942 (1997).

Mary Lynn Bryan, editor of the Jane Addams Papers, retired (Fayetteville, NC).

Wendy Chmielewski, former Curator of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection (Swarthmore, PA), co-editor of Jane Addams and the Practice of Democracy (2009).

  • Sahr Conway-Lanz, George R. Cooley Curator, Swarthmore College Peace Collection (Swarthmore, PA).

Marilyn Fischer, Department of Philosophy, University of Dayton, co-editor of Jane Addams’s Evolutionary Theorizing (2019), Jane Addams and the Practice of Democracy (2009), and Jane Addams’s Writings on Peace (2003).

Susan Hangen, Professor of Anthropology and International Studies, Dean of the Salameo School of Humanities and Global Studies, Ramapo College of New Jersey (Mahwah, NJ).

Mary Hanson Harrison, former president of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. branch (Des Moines, IA).

Peggy Glowacki, Manuscripts Librarian, Richard J. Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Ann D. Gordon, editor of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Papers, retired (New Brunswick, NJ).

Ross Stanton Jordan, Interim Director of the Jane Addams-Hull-House Museum (Chicago, IL)

Esther Katz, editor of the Margaret Sanger Papers, New York University, retired, (New York, NY).

Louise W. Knight, author of two Addams biographies, Citizen: Jane Addams and the Struggle for Democracy (2005) and Jane Addams: Spirit in Action (2010).

Patrick Murray-John, Northeastern University, Snell Library, Associate Director of Systems (Boston, MA); former Omeka Dev Team Manager at George Mason University.

Liesl Olson, Director, Jane Addams-Hull-House Museum (Chicago, IL).

Stephen P. Rice, Professor of American Studies and co-convenor of the Museum Studies minor, Ramapo College of New Jersey (Mahwah, NJ).

Rima Lunin Schultz, creator of Women Building Chicago 1790-1990: A Biographical Dictionary, and Urban Experience in Chicago: Hull-House and Its Neighborhoods, 1889-1963 website.

Mona Siegel, Professor of History, California State University, Sacramento, is the author of Peace on Our Terms: The Global Battle for Women’s Rights After the First World War.

Jennifer Stertzer, Senior editor at the George Washington Papers and Manager of Digital Programs at the Center for Digital Editing at the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA).

Annie V. F. Storr  Resident Scholar, Women’s Studies Research Center, Brandeis University (Waltham, MA).

Stacie Taranto, Assistant Professor of History, Ramapo College of New Jersey (Mahwah, NJ).

Former Advisory Board members:

Valerie Harris, former archivist  at the Special Collections, at the University of Chicago at Illinois.

Carter Jones Meyer, Professor of History, Ramapo College of New Jersey (retired).

Rachel Mattson, former Director of Special Collections, Curator of the Peace Collection, Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA)




2016-2017 from left: Katherine, Emily, Julianne, Paul, Allie, Bert, Meg, Dara, Cathy, Sam, Tori, Sara Catherine, Renee, and Sarah.

Annushka Acharya (2022-2023)

Caitlin Biebrich (2017-2020)

Kimberlee Bongard (2018-2020)

Casey Bontemps (2021-2022)

Ed Bradley (2018-2020)

Paul Brennan (2016-2018)

Allie Cheff (2020-2021)

Kelsey Cloughley (2016-2018)

Julia Connelly (2018-2019)

Chloe Cornacchiulo (2021-2022)

Shannon Crossen (2018-2019)

Cassandra Chu Currens (2018)

Alexandra Davies (2016-2019)

Julianne De Lisi (2015-2017)

Hope Dewitt (2022)

Samuel Dresher (2017)

Paige Drews (2018)

Abi Duffany (2017-2018)

Christina Dwyer (2016-2019)

Emily Dzuback (2016-2018)

Kim Evans (2018-2019)

Angelina Farallo (2021)

Talia Felner (2016-2019)

Jeffrey B. Fischer (2015-2016)

Sarah Gallopo (2016-2017)

Conor Garvey (2017)

Sedona Marie Gearity (2019)

Jerry Giordano (2019-2020)

Melissa Glasson (2023)

Esther Gonzales (2020)

Nikola Gramatikov (2020-2022)

Anthony Gramuglia (2017-2018)

Sarah Grider (2021-2022)

Jesse Hann (2019-2020)

Zack Henderson (2017-2018)

Jenny Hubert (2017)

Kyle Huntley (2016-2017)

James Jackson (2022)

Marina Kaiafas (2020-2021)

Anamika Khanal (2017)

Donald Koger (2019)

James LaForge (2020-2024)

Charlie Leppert (2019-2020)

Sara Catherine Lichon (2016-2018)

Justice Levine (2019)

Emma Lucier-Keller (2017-2019)

Rachelle Ludder (2020-2023)

Olivia Luisi (2022-2024)

Patricia Marino (2019)

Luka Marjanovic (2020-2022)

Dara McGuinness (2015-2017)

Katie McNellis (2018-2019)

Tiffany Minnieweather (2018-2019)

Fiona Misiura (2019-2022)

Juan Navarro (2022-2023)

Kayla O’Neill (2019-2022)

Robert Piper (2016)

Luke Rapp (2023)

Samantha Risman (2016-2017)

Michael Romano (2017-2019)

Jessica Ryan (2019)

Jake Schnaak (2017-2019)

Nina Schulze (2017-2018)

Ellen Skerrett (2015-2018)

Neha Sippy (2019)

Miriam Sokolska (2021)

Gianna Spitaletta (2021)

Michelle Steidle (2022)

Margaret Szydlik (2016-2017)

Katherine Talian (2016)

Jillian Topolski (2019)

Utkarsh Uprety (2017)

Morgan Wall (2021-2022)

Mary Waller (2017-2018) 

Sarah Walus (2020-2022)

Madeline Zech (2023)

Editorial Staff of the Jane Addams Papers at Duke University

Mary Lynn Bryan, Editor

Maree de Angury, Assistant-to-the-Editor

Barbara Bair, Consulting Associate Editor

Ellen Skerrett, Chicago historian

Richard R. Seidel, Chicago researcher

Fred Cuddy, Web designer and project IT

Allen F. Davis, Advisory Committee

Anne F. Scott, Advisory Committee

David Chesnutt, Advisory Committee