Victoria Sciancalepore is a graduate of Ramapo College of New Jersey, with a double major in Literature and American Studies (’14). Before taking the assistant editor position, she interned at the Margaret Sanger Papers at NYU, working on the project’s digital edition, at the Macculloch Hall Historical Museum, working in public relations, docent work, and the archive, and at the Mahwah Museum, as an archival assistant who cataloged and scanned historical records. Victoria attended the Association for Documentary Editing’s Institute for Editing Historical Documents held in New Orleans in 2016 and continues to be involved in the Association’s newsletter. She completed her Master of Library and Information Science at Pratt Institute in 2020. She worked for the Project from 2015 to 2024. In 2024, became Ramapo College’s Digital Scholarship Librarian.
Presentations and Publications
- The Selected Papers of Jane Addams, Volume 4 (forthcoming)
- Still Important Today: Recognizing Historical Patterns in the Present, June 2023, Association for Documentary Editing, Washington, DC
- Identifying the Obscure: A Roundtable Discussion on Researching Those Who Lived Outside the Historic Record, June 2018, Association for Documentary Editing, Olympia, WA.
- Available or Understandable?, Annotation as the User’s Best Friend, June 2017, Association for Documentary Editing, Buffalo, NY
- The Nuts and Bolts: How an Omeka-Based Edition Works, July 6, 2017 at Women’s History in a Digital World, Maynooth University, Ireland.