Stacy Lynn

Stacy Lynn holds a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Illinois (2007) and is the author of two books–Mary Lincoln: Southern Girl, Northern Woman (Routledge, 2015) and The Jury in Lincoln’s America (Ohio University Press, 2012). She has also published in academic and popular journals dozens of articles, essays, and book reviews on Abraham Lincoln, race, women’s history, legal history, and early American baseball. She was an editor at the Papers of Abraham Lincoln (1996-2016), editing The Papers of Abraham Lincoln: Legal Documents and Cases (University of Virginia Press, 2008) and the Lincoln Editor (2000-2015) and served as the project’s assistant director and associate editor (2009-2016). She is currently working on a book about Abraham Lincoln and women, but she is happy to have now returned to her research roots in the Progressive Era (she wrote her M.A. thesis and published an article in the Journal of Negro History on Ida B. Wells and lynching in the early 1900s). She has been working with the Jane Addams Papers since January 2017.